Physical symptoms
It is generally accepted that workplace stress can result in physical symptoms, for example:
Cardio-vascular disease including heart disease and strokes
Musculo-skeletal problems
Psoriasis, eczema and other skin conditions
Anxiety, including panic attacks
Headaches and migraine
Acute digestive conditions
Irritable bowel syndrome
Lower resistance to viruses and bacteria
Compromise of immune system
High blood pressure
Tooth grinding
Excessive consumption of drugs including alcohol, caffeine and nicotine
General behavioural problems.
These physical reactions are generally recognised as being caused by the release of hormones into the bloodstream. Such hormones are designed to deal with primitive physical threats and are described as causing “fight or flight”. The immediate effect of these hormones is to increase blood pressure, pulse and breathing rates and to intensify the reaction of sensory organs. This “alarm reaction” is short-term.
In the longer term, individuals may develop coping strategies. If these are inadequate, prolonged stress may cause severe physical and emotional disorders.
The following factors have been identified as affecting individual reactions to stress:
Social, family and work support systems
Organisational skills
Emotional stability
Levels of expectations
Effectiveness of coping mechanisms
Physical fitness.
Most of these factors are, of course, outside the control of employers.
Relaxation therapy
Stress appraisals
It should be noted that there is a growing body of opinion that medication involving antidepressants or tranquillisers, while providing a short-term remedy and enabling a return to work, May worsen symptoms in the long-term.
Advisers and representatives need to be aware that clients who are taking regular medication may be suffering side effects including paradoxical reactions. Their behaviour may be affected by their treatment, and their symptoms may be worsened by the stress of legal proceedings.
Nervous shock
Much of the case law around the issue of psychiatric injury has used the phrase “nervous shock”. The law is complex but the general principle emerging from the cases seems to be that damages may not be recovered solely on the basis that, as a result of negligence, a claimant has suffered sensations of fear, mental distress or grief. When the nervous shock amounts to a recognisable condition, for example depression, the position is different.
“Nervous shock” includes states of mind such as fear, anger and disappointment. This should be distinguished from recognised types of mental illness, for example psychoses or neuroses. The courts have traditionally been reluctant to award compensation for mental distress as opposed to diagnosed mental illness.
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
This can be described, in general terms, as a serious anxiety disorder caused by exposure to a stress-inducing experience outside the normal range of work experience. This includes, for example, witnessing fatal accidents. The symptoms of PTSD may include re-experiencing feelings aroused by the event.
The stage at which physical and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress results in revulsion from the world, and apathy.