£800,000 compensation
Case Marks v Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Trust (2016) Eq Opp Rev 269:31, Nottingham ET
Facts M was the director of workforce and organisational development, employed by D. She successfully complained of direct sex discrimination and victimisation.
Remedies 1. Injury to feelings: £15,000 plus £3000 aggravated damages because her complaint had not been treated seriously, there had been no apology and the perpetrator of the discrimination had been leniently treated.
Personal injury: Ongoing stress, anxiety, low mood, traits of trauma, moderate anxiety and depression. £15,500.
Actual loss of earnings: £100,000. Future loss: 12 months plus continuing loss: £190,000.
Pension loss: £168,000 (calculated with advice from a jointly appointed independent expert.
Total award (after grossing up): £832,711.