The revolution resulted in a fundamental change in property relations. All means of production were nationalised.
Landlords were prevented from evicting delinquent clients.
Cuba is a country of homeowners, based on the individual ownership of private homes. Most Cubans are homeowners.
Housing law has the primary social objective of providing shelter to all citizens. It is based primarily on the recognition of the social function of housing as opposed to its commercial or investment value.
In no case can the ownership of a home become a mechanism of enrichment or exploitation.
Private rental housing is prohibited. Housing is a public service with the state as primary landlord.
State constructed housing is transferred through sale to individuals by the Popular Savings Bank. The price is amortised over 15 to 20 years. There is no foreclosure or repossession. Arrears are collected by the attachment of the debt to the debtor’s salary.
Inheritance rules are designed mainly to protect the occupiers of homes.
There are virtually no homeless people in Cuba.
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