Mobile elevated platform death: £130,000 fine
Health and Safety Executive v Pyeroy Ltd (2017) Plymouth magistrates’ court, June 16
Statutory reference: regulation 4 of the Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAH).
Pyeroy Ltd, a contractor, has been fined after a worker was killed.
The facts
· Keith Stevens was working for the company at Devonport Naval base. he was using a mobile elevated work platform (MEWP) to dismantle temporary roofing. He became trapped between a roof beam and the controls of the MEWP. He died of a pre-existing heart condition.
· The company had not properly planned the MEWP work in restricted overhead areas.
· Other employees had not been suitably trained in the emergency lowering procedure of the elevated platforms and no practice drills had been carried out.
The decision
The company was fined £130,000 plus £14,000 under regulation 4 of WAH.
An HSE inspector commented after the case that it highlighted the need for duty holders to properly plan all work at height beforehand, including emergency planning and rescue situations.