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QCs, barristers and divorce cases

In the early nineteen-seventies, it was a rule of professional practice, but not of law, that where a QC was instructed, a junior...

George Orwell on English Law

George Orwell Orwell had little interest in the law, but he commented that it was not that anyone imagined the law to be just. Everyone...

Class Justice and the Royal Mint

R v Copeland (Appellant) Class justice Class justice means, essentially, that the principles of justice operate inequitably in favour of...

Noise at work

The question of injury caused by noise at work deserves separate treatment because it has been the subject of a distinct line of cases....

Conspiracy law, class and society Part 14

Attempted Reform On Second Reading, my hon. friends and I thought this was a diabolically awful Bill and we voted against it. Since then...

Conspiracy law, class and society - Part 9

The Hain Case On 21 August 1972, Peter Hain, who six months earlier had attacked the use of ‘political’ conspiracy charges, was convicted...

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