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Health and safety in a war context

Comparative health and safety in a war context Reports of health and safety prosecutions cover, with depressing regularity, incidents...

Legal Latin

Customs and Excise Commissioners v Polok and Another (2002) P and others ran an escort agency. The Customs and Excise Commissioners...

Poverty and the denial of justice

Examples of poor clients who have been denied justice Redundancy Practice as an employment lawyer currently involves an increasing number...

Class Justice - Part 2

Class justice means, essentially, that the principles of justice operate inequitably in favour of one class of people in relation to...

Class Justice

Crimewatch:an exemplar of the spectacle of class justice The crimes presented in the Crimewatch television programme by glamorous...


The following aspects of legal practice in Cuba have been reported: After the revolution, the prestige of lawyers declined and many left...

Human Rights

Human Rights Act 1998 The Human Rights Act 1998 incorporated the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law in the...

Corporate Manslaughter

Second conviction since 2008 JMW Farms Limited, a Northern Irish farming company, has been fined following its conviction for corporate...

Legal Aid and Charity

No society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means. Aneurin Bevan 1947....

Employment of children: Beecroft

In 1815 Robert Owen toured the main factories of Britain. He observed that “in some large factories from one-fourth to one-fifth of the...

Sam Hallam

Miscarriages of justice The quashing of the conviction of Sam Hallam may remind readers of the following: Guildford Four. In summary, a...

Law Reform Proposals

In 1986 Lord Gifford QC published proposals for the reform of the justice system, described as a realisable manifesto for a complete...

Compensation awards

The Ogden Tables These Tables took their name from Michael Ogden QC who was the chair of the working party which first drew them up. They...


The following is a provisional explanation of words and phrases which appeared in last week’s blog and which in my experience I have had...

Queen's Counsel

The rank of QC (Queen’s Counsel) has been awarded, for at least 400 years, to advocates (mostly barristers) who have been recognised,...

Alternative legal practice

The practice of law in an alternative way attempts to address the fact that the poor are denied justice and to resist the fact that law...

Money and the law

Each wanton judge new penal statutes drawLaws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law Goldsmith, The Traveller A lawyer with his...

Budget 2012

Yesterday, I found myself in a rather unusual position…I found myself applauding the Conservatives. Now, this is not usually a position I...

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