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Robert Spicer
Oct 24, 20172 min read
Health and safety horrors: lift shaft nightmares
LIFTS Lift crushing death: stately home operator fined Arthur Mellar, a butler, was killed in July 2014 when a luggage lift descended on...
Robert Spicer
Oct 15, 20174 min read
Health and safety horrors: examples from industry
INDUSTRY Foundry death from grinder Stuart Stead, an employee of H.I. Quality Steel Castings Ltd, was using a hand-held grinder to work...
Robert Spicer
Oct 11, 20172 min read
Health and safety horrors: care home deaths
Death of dementia patient from hoist In April 2008 an 87-year old dementia sufferer was being cared for by the Kent and Medway NHS Social...
Robert Spicer
Jul 26, 20171 min read
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio: Latin maxims alive and well in Scottish court
HEALTH AND SAFETY Ex turpi causa non oritur actio: “from a dishonourable cause an action does not arise” Case D Geddes (Contractors)...
Robert Spicer
Jun 22, 20172 min read
Ogden Tables: age as key factor in calculation: unconscious racism?
The Ogden Tables These Tables took their name from Michael Ogden QC who was the chair of the working party which first drew them up. They...
Robert Spicer
Jun 19, 20172 min read
Health and safety law: the Cinderella of the English legal system: never more important
Health and safety law outwardly appears to be for the benefit of the working class. It has been argued that it was never properly...
Robert Spicer
Dec 29, 20161 min read
Comparative health and safety in a war context
Comparative health and safety in a war context Reports of health and safety prosecutions cover, with depressing regularity, incidents...
Robert Spicer
Aug 16, 20162 min read
Health and safety in prisons: no protection for prisoners?
Health and safety in prisons Pullen v Prison Commissioners (1957) From 1951 until 1953 George Pullen served a sentence of imprisonment in...
Robert Spicer
Aug 9, 20162 min read
Chevron offshore installation: prohibition notice: appeal on facts
HEALTH AND SAFETY Prohibition notices Appeal Case HM Inspector of Health & Safety v Chevron North Sea Ltd (2016) Scottish Inner House 29...
Robert Spicer
Apr 17, 20162 min read
Landmark Supreme Court health and safety decision: Kennedy v Cordia (Services) LLP
Personal protective equipment Case Kennedy v Cordia (Services) LLP [2016] ICR 325, Supreme Court Statute reference Personal Protective...
Robert Spicer
Mar 28, 20161 min read
Kent private swimming pool roof fall: solar panel company fined
Roof fall: £153,000 fine Health and Safety Executive v PV Solar UK Ltd (2016) Canterbury Crown Court, March 21 PV Solar UK Ltd, a solar...
Robert Spicer
Mar 16, 20161 min read
Battersea crane collapse: two dead: £750,000 fine for crane company
Crane collapse: worker and member of the public killed: company fined £750,000 Health and Safety Executive v Falcon Crane Hire Ltd (2016)...
Robert Spicer
Nov 17, 20151 min read
Manchester care home dangerous excavation: public report to HSE: work stopped
Unsafe care home excavations: £2000 fine Health and Safety Executive v Brierstone Ltd (2015) Trafford magistrates’ court, November 13...
Robert Spicer
Oct 20, 20151 min read
Sita fined £200,000 for health and safety breaches
Sita UK fined £200,000 for telehandler injury Health and Safety Executive v Sita UK Ltd (2015) Preston Crown Court, October13 Sita UK Ltd...
Robert Spicer
Sep 29, 20151 min read
Health and safety unfair dismissal: reasonableness: Court of Appeal decision
UNFAIR DISMISSAL Reasonableness Case Newbound v Thames Water Utilities Ltd [2015] IRLR 734, CA Statute reference Employment Rights Act...
Robert Spicer
Sep 28, 20151 min read
Hydrogen explosion in Widnes factory: health and safety prosecution
Hydrogen explosion: £80,000 fine Health and Safety Executive v Catalloy Ltd (2015) Warrington Crown Court, September 25 Catalloy Ltd, a...
Robert Spicer
Aug 29, 20154 min read
More tinkering with health and safety
Self-employment: significant changes in the law Section 3(2) of the Health and Safety at Work, etc., Act 1974 states that it shall be the...
Robert Spicer
Aug 23, 20152 min read
Air show crashes raise concerns over flight safety
This weekend (22nd – 23rd August), two separate horrific incidents occurred at air shows; the first, here in the UK, involved a Hawker...
Robert Spicer
Jul 26, 20155 min read
Care home deaths: recent prosecutions
Care homes: recent prosecutions Prosecutions of care home owners (whether individuals or companies) for serious breaches of health and...
Robert Spicer
Jul 22, 20151 min read
Asbestos exposure: prison sentence
Asbestos exposure: prison sentence Health and Safety Executive v Brian Roberts (2015) Llandudno magistrates’ court, June 12 Brian...
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